Forum Posts
Graphics Mill Forums
FAQ – Graphics Mill
- Graphics Mill for .NET Requires Full Trust Mode
- INFO: ASP.NET May Not Allow Loading DLLs With Unmanaged Code
- INFO: ASP.NET 2.0 Cannot Find a Required Module when Loading Graphics Mill 3.x and 4.x DLLs.
- PRB: AJAX and Web Controls Do Not Work on Production Site when You Publish It Using Visual Studio
- HOWTO: Learn Graphics Mill Assembly Version
- PRB: File Load Exception 0x800736B1
- INFO: What Libraries You Need To Install Before Using Graphics Mill
- HOWTO: Prolong Graphics Mill Evaluation Period
- HOWTO: Deploy Web Application on 64-bit Server
- PRB: License Compiler Exception
- PRB: Bad Image Format Exception 0x80131506
- PRB: License Compiler Exception 0x80131621
- PRB: Could Not Load File Or Assembly Aurigma.GraphicsMill
- HOWTO: Save spot color channel in TIFF image
Discussions – Graphics Mill
- Can I see it in action?
- psd file open with layers in visual basic 6.0
- Example ASP.Net Tiff viewer
- Printing
- Tiff support
- License key in resource
- Undo and Redo Exception in BitmapViewer using Remoting Scripting
- Loading tiffs slow compared to v2
- make pan with right mouse click
- Upgrade question
- Client scripts for the Bitmapviewer
- Client script for Transform
- Viewing Second page of tiff image taking more time -- Time out expired
- HOWTO: Create a Palette Optimized for Several Bitmaps
- System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException?
- Trapping X and Y Cooridnates in ASP.NET
- Grayscale bitmaps
- Problems with Bitmap.Save() and TIFF format?
- Using annotations
- memory leaks when threading
- Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 problem.
- Code sample: Polygon rubberband for WinControls.BitmapViewer
- imports not found
- Escape the MSDN
- Hexadecimal color
- Draw text on a loaded image
- vc++ sample
- Printing multiple images
- Antialiased text on a color background
- Multiline text
- Issue with image overflowing from iframe... (possible z-index issue?)
- Colour to Black and white/ Sepia image conversion
- Watermarking image with text
- New Version?
- Projective Transformations
- Printer Page Sizing
- only 25% CPU utilization
- Howto change only one special color in one Selection?
- Append TIF
- Resizing BitmapViewer Web Control on Client Side
- Saving bitmap to memory.
- Load from system.Drawing.Bitmap
- Extract ICC
- Intermittent Errors
- Only RgbColorProfile
- Online Print Editor
- Zoom to a given rectangle/pixel location?
- RGB to CMYK in C#
- Resizing algorythms
- Problem accessing the temporary directory using ASP
- Support for RAW
- Scrolling browser causes rubberband offset issues
- Reposition Overlayed Image
- (Web version)Printing what's displayed in BitmapViewer with watermark
- Remote Scripting
- Viewer
- Physical Path
- More Viewer
- Another Viewer Question!
- Rotate 90, 180
- Technical help
- [RemoteScriptingMethod]
- Loading speed
- BitmapStateEnabled
- Brightness/Contrast without Roundtrip
- Session State
- Tiff tag support
- New Release
- Printing
- Unreleased Resources
- Loading Speed
- Jpeg2000 takes a long time to load..
- Web farms and temp directories
- Tiff Loading speed
- .NET 2.0 VS2005
- VS2005 .NET 2.0
- Temporary Internet Files
- Memory Corruption issue
- Regarding to "Unhandled Exception" issue during application debug in VS2005
- Zoom in Graphics Mill
- Performance, or Bitmap Correction due to speed?
- Visual Studio 2005 Final problem
- AJAX compatability?
- Strings not supported for remote scripting?
- switch from Pan navigator to rubberband client side?
- Error when loading multiple images quickly
- Using Graphics Mill to create label images
- Support for .NET 2.0.
- Watermark from Image
- Problem saving image with embedded color profile
- Keeping transparency of a clipart whn being drag & drop from our library to COREL Designer &
- Saving image as TIFF with Lzw compression?
- Anyone home?
- client sites
- Problem in deploying application
- Printing multiple multipage tiff images
- Change color canal
- Distributing
- Saving large bitmap
- Moving text around image
- Aurigma Releases Graphics Mill 3.5 for .NET Release Candidate
- creating thumbnail
- ARGB to ACMYK conversion
- Several Problems...
- x64 support
- Resizing animated gifs...
- Tiff (CMYK) with aditional colors
- Object of type 'Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Bitmap' cannot be converted...
- Converting from CMYK2RGB with correct color profile
- Error Loading any Pic in BitmapViewer
- Nothing Works - Help !!!
- Dotnetnuke Compatible
- Extending Graphics Mill.NET with further image formats
- Could not load file or assembly 'Aurigma.GraphicsMill, Version=
- Ability to Drop and Drag into Image Uploader
- Graphics Mill .NET and classic asp
- Measurements
- ThumbnailListView Virtual List
- Rotating the thumbnail
- Using LosslessJpegTransform
- skew an image
- ThumbnailListView BackgroundImage not displaying
- Increasing size of ThumbnailListView
- Borderless printing?
- Graphics Mill with a smart client
- License in Windows Forms Application
- Event when a thumbnail is loaded on the screen
- Cannot run Windows Forms Applications from Network Share
- Problem saving and viewing multi-page TIFF
- Variation on merging and saving TIFF files to dbase
- How to put a watermark image?
- Problem running Windows Forms App
- Color management problem
- Drawing Text (or anything) on Bitmap comes out transparent
- setting transparancy on png through alphachannel
- Thumbnaillistview Custom Columns Only
- Version 3.5
- blending two bitmaps
- drawing in cmyk
- Merge 2 image
- Dimensions bitmap and mask bitmap are not the same
- Transparent background after rotate image
- Reduce capacity of image
- saving psd bitmap as tif skews sizing
- weird error
- Boolean parsing exception - WebControls.BitmapViewer
- Heap size issues inside IIS 6/ASP.Net 2.0
- Efficient TIFF Save 1 bit black white
- Rubberband.Visible seems not to work in 3.5
- Saving CMYK Image with transparency
- ColorProfile disappears when using DiscardAlpha()
- Resolution always 72 dpi for CMYK JPEG
- Can I view a Word Pidl
- charachter leading
- Resize throws exception if height set to 0?
- font name not working?
- Unlocking Graphics Mill for .NET
- Demo not working?
- Hue transform on blue channel?
- PDF Compression CCITT4?
- Drop Shadow
- Horizontal resolution - incorrect values?
- ToGdiplusBitmap does not set the Resolution correctly
- Select and Deselect Multiselect method
- AJAX approach with Web Controls and Image Uploader
- How to select-deselect the images in a filelistview control
- How do I copy objects inside one thumbnail viewer to another?
- Thumbnaillist viewer
- ThumbnailList Viewer
- Thumbnaillist Viewer
- How to display the Selected RectangleRubberBand area from one bitmapviewer on another bitmapviewer e
- How Do I Move and Resize Rubberband Control?
- Changing the Color of teh Image
- adding entire file path in listitems of filelistviewer
- How to Merge two Image
- photo editor configuration and deployment issues
- photo editor configuration and deployment issues
- How do I add/remove/modify the controls in the editor?
- Magnification Tool
- Resize multiple images
- Combine two image
- Remove red eye
- Croping
- Red X
- PreviewImageEnable
- RetangleRubberband
- FileListViewer
- Strange error with the ThumbnailListViewer
- BitmapViewer
- Color Adjustment of an Image
- FileListViewer
- Bitmap Viewer
- Resize in Cm
- Bitmap Viewer
- Bitmap viewer
- Combiner Class
- Merging Image
- Writing Metadata
- Mpeg4 video live deocoding coming from IP camera
- Combine Two Image With combiner Class
- Creating Images is too slow
- embedded color profile
- Merging Two Images With Combiner Class
- Bitmap Viewer
- Thumbnail Browser Bug?
- Thumnbnail List viewer
- Same license for .NET 1.1 and 2.0?
- DrawString and Euro Symbol
- Manual RedEye Remove
- Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program
- Photoeditor behind SSL
- How to select an image other than redeye.jpg?
- draw image with embedded Color Profile
- Can this be done?
- RGB to CYMK mode Image conversion
- Bitmap._Draw hangs at 120 DPI
- IPTC data
- Upgrade pricing 2.0 ActivX --> 3.5 .NET?
- How to load from ADODB.Stream?
- Photo Editor 2.0 Is Coming Soon
- Need help with animated Gifs
- System hangs when loading a tiff file
- Printing in web
- Raster Fonts
- ThumbnailListView questions
- Merge HTML text with Image
- ExifDictionary.UserComment
- ThumbnailListViewer Load Speed
- RectangleRubberband Ratio...
- ImagePrintDocument is slow
- Converting Images to 1BppIndexed Ones
- Loading/saving while preserving EXIF/IPTC information?
- Redistribution?
- Adding "internal spacing" to BitmapViewer
- Server Error in '/' Application
- Status on new release
- How to download trial version of photo Editor
- CMYK to RGB conversion problem
- CMYK drawing gives error
- Shadow with blending option
- RGB color code to CMYK Color
- ColorManagementProvider vs PixelFormatConverter
- Transparency
- Adding text to multipage Tiff document
- GDIGraphics from CMYk
- Saving CMYK Image in 400 DPI
- Transferring WebSite
- Internal error in Graphicsmill
- Photoeditor 1 compatible with 2?
- Saving New File
- Processing extremely large TIFF files
- Annotations
- Printing multipage tiffs
- Printing without margins?
- C Sharp version
- Problems with first install
- Will PhotoEditor run on Mono or Grasshopper?
- Drawing Images / Adding Borders as hard lines of pixels
- License File
- Transparency Questions
- Resolution in pixels/cm doesn't work for TIFF and JPEG
- Masking Performance
- Size of data sent to Printer
- Purchase
- Photoshop Clipping Paths
- Bitmapviewer and ZoomRectangleNavigator
- How to change resolution of ImageVObject
- How can I get the rectangle information from Vobjects in Multilayerviewer
- Unable to Unlock Graphics Mill For .NET
- Convert greyscale to RGB
- Vobject manual placement
- Aurigma Releases Graphics Mill 4.0 for .NET
- Graphics Mill 3.5 and 4.0
- Graphics Mill 4.0 BadImageFormatException
- Graphics Mill 4.0 Image Cropping Issue
- Frame.GetThumbnail Method resizing algorithm
- Bitmap.Load throws CMInappropriateProfileException
- Unable to Copy 1bppIndexed to New 1bppIndexed?
- determine color palette before performing conversion
- Curved text
- Developer wanted to quote on a new job for personalised photo calendar
- Developer wanted to quote on a new job for personalised photo calendar.
- photoeditor 2 beta error
- Adding thumbnails from Image and Bitmap objects
- Performance saving multiple tiff files
- Drawing Shapes/Text in CMYK
- Hot to get annotations informations?
- problem saving file
- Generate jpg from pdf
- Formatting Metadata
- op_Implicit Issue
- tiff to jpg convertion
- PhotoEditorController1.EditingParams
- Snap to Grid
- Intermittent Graphics Mill Issue
- Evaluation time period has expired. Please, purchase full version of the product
- Saving to JP2 very slow
- Problems with licencing
- Extracting CMYK channels from RGB to create tiff file.
- Server License - Issues with Dev machine
- New installation issues
- Licence Key
- Minimum size for RectangleRubberband
- Horizontal flow layout support for Thumbnail listview control
- Photoeditor 2 new release
- Unable to create temporary file
- PhotoEditor 2.0 has been released
- Photo Editor 2.0 installation issues- Sample Application
- Photo Editor 2.0 Issue
- Can Graphics Mill be used for this example?
- Getting a pixel color from a zoomed Bitmapviewer
- How to set the localization language of the PhotoEditor
- Convert any non-white pixel to black
- How long time does the evaluation version works?
- Passing an image to a BitmapViewer control from scanner?
- Photo editing actions fail
- BitmapViewer doesn't work with themes
- cancelling changes
- ScriptResource.axd error
- how difficult is this to achieve in GM?
- Problem getting the Advanced PSD Addin to work
- Replacing an image in a layer using Advanced PSD Add-in
- Writing on CMYK
- Use of PSD add on
- Shadow
- PSD Text
- x64 Support
- photoeditor image height/width
- PSD Sliding Text Layers
- The profile doesn't match to color space required.
- Is it possible to make layers non visible using the PSD Addin
- exteme jagginess when drawing text on .tiff
- FirstLineIndent
- Best way to release memory?
- Changing line height
- Cut Bézier curve
- Orientation buttons
- Closing window
- Hiding a tab - borders
- Lincence for testing Tools
- Speed problem
- Cancel All Changes Button
- Program for enhancement?
- Printing an image with different aspect ratio that the paper
- General .NET question
- Dirty edges when resizing text
- PhotoEditor- 2.0 License issue
- ZoomMode="BestFit" question
- Thumbnail viewer for big directories
- TrialPeriodException
- Unable to commit memory loading large Jpg
- How to resize the interface of overall all panels
- How I recolor the layers in a PSD photo shop file.
- Drag and Drop positioning
- Real Time Thumbnail of MultiLayerViewer
- Controlling size of text when area is resized
- Photoshop CS3 support
- Check boxes in WinControl trees
- Blank thumbnail
- deployment issues
- Parent index for PSD layers
- Unable to commit memory. Reloaded.
- Zoom-in/out cursor no set in Internet Explorer
- Transparent filled EllipseVObject (with a glow effect)
- URGENT: Superscript issue (™ and ® French equivalents)
- draw cyrillic character
- Image Editor
- Installation problem
- License
- Cropped image not displaying properly
- Red X
- Creating arrow annotation?
- Detect percentage of white pixels in jpg image
- Aurigma Graphics Mill 4.0 + Advanced PSD Add on for Web appln
- Another way of presenting thumbnails?
- Converting HUGE RGB to CMYK error
- Strange Color Management problem
- Problem about thumbnails...
- zoom on load and undo
- Cannot get ImageVObject to display as correct size
- 'The process cannot access the file ... ' error
- Question about TIFF Viewer Demo sample
- HOWTO: Drawing graphics/text on CMYK images
- Help with "Green Screen" approach
- Question about .UndoRedoEnabled property
- CMYK for Multilayer ImageViewer
- Problem with rubberband not found on postbacks/ajax actions
- Unable to commit memory error while resizing
- Photoshop Blending Options
- Problem with viewing images in BitmapViewer
- Dynamic Crop Dimensions
- Possible? ID "blank" spaces in image
- Image Color Average - Update for VB .NET?
- Server Error-Specified module could not be found.
- ASP.NET 2.0 Hosting Recommendation
- Aurigma Releases Graphics Mill x64 Beta
- Problem with PSD addon
- AjaxControls Access Denied
- Error while saving XMP with swedish chars
- How to drag an image from thumbnail n drop it in bitmap ?
- Using Graphics Mill for ASP.NET without a webserver
- Control cannot be created because VS can't find the control's type
- Error on Photo Editor
- x64 beta issue
- Problem with multi-page TIFF file
- Bug printing from print preview
- Latebound overload resolution cannot be applied to AddImage because the accessing instance is an int
- Licensing error (Evaluation time period has expired...) in multi-process application
- Unable To Write Data to Stream
- CMInappropriateProfileException Exception
- Question about PSD add-on
- Vobjects
- Assign a known colour to be transparent in a saved output
- Get path of ImageVObject in Multilayerviewer
- MPEG-4 Video Format
- Mask
- COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used.
- Layers in a web app?
- MultiLayerImageEditor Demo
- HistogramEqualize
- How to get vObject Actual Size?
- read iptc information
- graphics mill 4.5
- get vObject Rotation Angle
- Memory leak
- how to modify RGB channels
- Create image with transparancy
- PSD Module
- TrialPeriodException
- PSD Add-On
- How to export ImageVObject back to Bitmap
- MediaUnsupportedException error
- Licence Issue
- Thumbnail
- Flip
- Color management & 16 bits TIFF
- Alignment issue in Aurigma Graphics Mill 4.1 for .net 2.0
- I need to know if I will be able to do this in the .net version
- Watermark Image
- looking for a developer
- CMYK GetPixel?
- Load Bitmap ReadOnly
- Graphics Mill .Net 4.5 and Visual Basic 6.0
- Rearrange Thumbnail
- Comparison to LeadTools?
- File Size Reduced
- how to get font size of resized TextVobject
- Runtime error
- Help with MultiLayerViewer
- Multi-threading
- some questions for vector-objects
- Resize + Crop
- Licence
- Speed up Rotate Right 90 degree
- Temp Folder Errors
- Issues using Graphics Mill with ASP .NET
- Photo Editor on LightBox
- Application Without Code Crash on a clean machine
- Application Without Code Crash on a clean machine
- Undo and Redo
- Get Image Width and Height without loading the image
- RectangleRubberband.Ratio
- How to see which multipage is viewed?
- How to apply filters on a selected area?
- LossLessJPegTransform
- Which extensions support multipage images?
- Hosting the bitmap viewer user control in IE.
- Unusual-unexpected error about frames
- Image Zooming
- Owner draw ListView
- How to get VObject after CreateDesigner Creates it
- Masking VObject
- Loading TIFF image with ImageVObjectCreateDesigner
- Error on renderworkspace
- How to bringToFront/SendToBack objects(ellipse, rectange etc.)?
- obj.Font.IsStyleAvailable(FontStyle.Regular)
- Evaluation license was expired./The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and tr
- The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and try again.
- The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and try ag
- Memory Leak in 4.5.23
- Thumbnail Listviewer Scroll Bar Bug
- Evaluation time period has expired. Please, purchase full version of the product
- Trial Expired after entering license key
- Can't get pixel coordinates from VObject Points
- Bitmap location inside of the BitmapViewer
- Turn Cursor to I while wanted to Add Text VObject
- Pan Navigator not working if the bitmap is smaller than BitmapViewer
- How to get coordinate of a LineVobject
- Equivelent of Photoshop's Auto Color operation?
- .NET 2.0 Service Pack 1 and Graphics Mill Problem
- Identifying whether an image has a clipping path
- Deleting a frame from a tiff file
- Draw Frame for VObject
- Tooltips for Thumbnail List View
- Rearrange Thumbnail Listview
- This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstallin
- Draw a reversible line
- Problem with multiple processes accesing Graphics Mill .Net
- MediaUnsupportedException when loading into JpegReader
- Graphics Mill 5.0 trial failed our load test
- Issue about adding Vobjects and selecting area
- Get DateTimeOriginal from EXIF
- PdfWriter - PdfFrame and ICC Profile
- Vobject settings...
- Color Frequency Counter
- Exception: Font 'Modena Condensed Bold' does not support style 'Regular'
- VObject ToolTips
- Disappearing button panels
- Found small error in MainDemo
- New features Graphics Mill 5.0 example
- Thumbnail ListView - custom listview item
- TextVObject Background Color
- Change selected items
- Printing Vobjects and image together
- TextVObject Rotate
- Is Bitmap pixel buffer reuse possible?
- Thumbnaillistview basic questions
- Type 1 fonts (also called PostScript fonts)
- replacing image on a psd file layer
- Size of Thumbnail in Thumbnail List
- tmpDateString = exifData.Item(ExifDictionary.DateTimeOriginal)
- Snap To
- Draw Frame for ImageVObject
- Transforms and Filters on ImageVObjects
- Auto Select TextVObject Once Added
- Memory Issue
- IIS7 and Aurigma GraphicsMill 4.0 .net 2
- Problem with TextVObject - inherit class (from RectangleVObject)
- Aurigma Thumbnail Viewer does not support Unicode?
- Convert To ICC Profile
- Protection
- Problem extracting frames from some videos
- Improving custom list items performance, how?
- Rotate Vobject while rotating image?
- ModalPopupExtender with BitmapViewer
- Apply blur only to a rectangular part of a bitmap
- How to resize textVobject text area programmatically without resize the text size
- Value cannot be null
- How do I get access to the values in the array list in the cropping function?
- ThumbnailListView caption
- Grip size for vObjectsRubberband
- HowTO: draw text vertically and NOT rotate symbols
- Problem with Undo/Redo and TextVObject
- How to create .AVI from bitmap SETTING BITMAP at SPECIFIC TIME
- Image Stitching
- Problems using msbuild with Graphics Mill 4.1 on Server 2008x64
- TIFF image rotation with Ajax BitmapViewer
- Unable to create temporary file Error with Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Bitmap
- Image dimension limits in GM 5.0
- MediaProcessor and QuickTimeVR (QTVR) files
- Save print document as .psd or client side printing
- Rotating a zoomed image in bitmap Viewer
- BitmapViewer not displaying image
- Pre Defined Crop Size
- Which image types can be processed in a web page
- GraphicsMill dependency version problem
- Save PSD as jpeg
- Mill 5.0 support x64?
- Could not load assembly. Evaluate period expired
- Trial version not working
- Stamp effect
- PSD to Custom Sign Via the Web
- Change EXIF metadata with minimal impact
- 64x
- I need the crop set to a static 161 x 161 pixels ..
- Exif Metadata change and Photoshop
- Huge PDF File Size
- photo order
- Photo Editor - Apply Crop Behavior
- Could someone please point me to a sample where there is Resizing image and cropping ..
- Has Anybody being able to get Graphics Mill to work using Visual Studio 2008???
- Visual Studio 2008- Trying to get Graphic Mills to Work ... Another Way??? Not working??
- Visual Studio 2008 and Graphic Mills - Do the Dlls need to be added to the GAC to get this to work??
- Simple way to detect corrupt images?
- Evaluation time period has expired
- Problem saving DateCreated IPTC metadata
- Thumbnaillistview and scrollbars
- combiner.ApplyMaskTransform takes long time
- App Crash when generating a PDF that is bigger than 1GB
- Unable to commit memory during Transform
- Dublin Core DC Description Field
- 64 x Again
- Text output quality on Multi layer viewer
- Photo Editor - IFrame - IE (Access is Denied)
- 5.1
- 5.1, 4.5 sample
- Losing transparency when saving TIFs
- A circular Crop, is that possible ?
- VObjects coordinate space
- AJAX Sample Project
- multilayer vs drag-n-drop
- 64 bit assemblies
- questions about the Multilayer
- Multilayer questions
- HTML Nag screen
- Printing
- PostBack
- Web Control
- Bitmap Iframe
- Encryption
- You specify units value that cannot be converted to pixels
- Minor update fix lists
- Pixel to point and back to pixel...
- Rotate Tiff Frame
- Faster way to save Black layer?
- JPX format support
- How can I create an uncompressed AVI?
- Bug in TextVObject
- Accessing ExifDictionary members in C# using []
- PSD with transparent background goes black when converting to JPG
- Scaling an image with PixelFormat of Rgb32 corupts image
- Elliptic transformation on Image
- Snap to Grid
- Image Resize
- Module not found after Win2kS installation
- Curved Text
- Black color line in Multilayer Viewer Grid Line
- Auto active layer
- Prefixed Proportional Rubberband VB.NET application
- Graphic Mill .NET for WPF
- Shadow for bitmap
- Image Overlay
- How to migrate to x64 ?
- Printing File Size
- Rotate?
- Adding Ruler to Multilayer Viewer
- new Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Bitmap() much slower on win2008
- Lost Setup and Upgrade Question
- Next release of Aurigma Graphic Mill
- IFrame GetBitmap using too much memory?
- Useful System.Drawing.Bitmap feature missing in Aurigma
- _mlvMain.ZoomMode = ZoomMode.BestFit No longer work for latest version?
- Load partial Image without having to laod in full?
- v5.5.x Evaluation Expired? Before trying it out.
- JPG Exif
- Changing text on multi layer .psd file
- Upgading to 5.5
- Image Tooltip
- Hide the Portrait button
- Quality & Speed drop for Aurigma .NET 5.5
- About the trile version
- Error on conversion Drawing.Bitmap to Aurigma.Bitmap
- Aurigma onto Silverlight
- open pdf files
- Aurigma graphic mill x64
- My web application will no longer run - this Aurigma Message is the cause..
- 32bit environtment to 64bit envirtonemnt issue? My web application will no longer run - this Aurigma Message is the cause..
- AlphaOverlay Description?
- Running Graphics Mill 2.0 side by side with 5.5
- Creating 5-channel image?
- fail to commit memory when free memory is not linear
- multilayer viewer undo / redo
- Writing a WordPress Plugin
- GM 5 and Mono...
- Vector Type Saved as PDF
- remove green backround
- Graphics Mill demo crashing Visual Studio 2008 in Win 7 64-bit
- Clientside Error: BitmapViewer1 is null or not an object
- Watermark and Disable right click
- Both targets (32 and 64bits) at same time ?
- Installing in IIS 6.0 with access to network files
- File Does Not Exist When Loading Large Images
- NamedRectangleRegion not found error
- Rectangle Not Showing
- Vector file to Aurigma
- PhotoEditor 2.0 and GraphicsMill 5.5
- Replace Rotated Text
- Using an old license key
- Multiple Navigators
- GiftEditor sample question
- problem with setup creation
- Convert DAT file to JPG
- Image Optimization
- Draw Histogram
- Convert text into Vector
- Color Adjustments
- Checking null
- Issue with AudioManager.AddAudioStream
- CMYK files saved as JPEG are displayd with inverted colors on Mac OS X
- Set Zoom mode
- How to remove Orientation from UI
- TIFs with different Horizontal and Vertical Resolution
- Crash when AviWriter constructor is called.
- Add layer
- Specific Layer Block and hide top always
- Undo/Redo in VB.NET error
- Delete layer select in VB.NET windows application
- Example in VB.Net Brightness and contrast on TrackBar1_Scroll with MultiLayerViewer1
- Adapter layer to workspace
- How to change new Image on the Tool
- Image Load to Viewer
- Problem With SetupCreation
- saving gifteditor resault to file
- Graphics Mill 4.5 on Windows Server 2008 problem
- .NET 4 Problem
- BitmapEmptyException on business card sample (modified)
- change "name" to "id" and upload image
- Photo Editor with Image Uploader (multiple image versions)
- png icons turning black
- Does the Graphics Mill Standard come with a 64bit .dll ?
- Translate, Rotate, Scale to System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix
- side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
- Apply background color
- circular working area
- Deployment Issue on 64bit running IIS7--- HELP!!--
- MultiLayer Text settings
- SWF file problem
- saving the work area with the layers
- Building CMYK image for printer...
- Which Handler is being fired when a VObject is being edited in MLV?
- setup not working in windows7
- Live Sites
- Photo Editor version?
- Set image size in multilayerViewer
- Group VObject
- PathVObject can draw curve line
- replacing alert message
- Duplicate objects
- Gradient Color in VObject
- "un-skew" vobject
- animate image , using customized ImageVObject or VObject
- Videos have frameCount of -1
- Image copying
- change mouse cursor icon
- SupportedActions collection list
- selected object and key events
- Object position in Multilayer Image editor
- MultilayerViewer and Corrdinate System
- LC.exe grief with Graphics Mill after upgrading to .NET 4
- How to set currentDesigner to nothing?
- webBrowser control not firing events when logged in as Limited User
- How to implement gray card balancing wit Graphics Mill for .Net 5.5
- Check Scrollbar visibility
- Hardware Configuration
- loading imagees to the work area
- Force moving VObject in Horizontal or Vertical
- Change Histogram width
- AJAX MultilayerViewer does not work on IE 9.0?
- Gift Editor
- Ajax ImageVObject Border create hairline
- Gift Editor Sample
- Support for clipping paths?
- Rotate Image
- SharpDevelop IDE and Graphics Mill
- strang issue on some computers
- Save image in Pdf format
- Mask Clipping
- PSD to BMP antialias?
- Apply effect to Selected Portion of image
- Graphics Mill version assembly cannot be loaded
- "The pixel format not supported" error
- Do edits take place on client or server?
- Can I get the layer mask from psd via Graphics Mill for .Net?
- Write Curved text on an existing image around the round edge
- get point on Bitmap
- Import and export .swf file in Multilayer
- cmyk error message
- Photo Editor
- Crop info remain while other tab were being click
- Show low res in Text
- image upload removing icons from items list
- ARGB value of image
- Opacity of image object
- 2 sites on same server - one running very slow
- another strange issue
- Skin Photo Editor
- QTCF.dll missing
- Set gradient color in multilayer objects
- Rotate text in Gift Editor 90degrees
- Two problems when do large long image processing
- How to make "Unable to draw rectangle object outside the image"
- Issue with MultiLayerViewer on large fonts (120 DPI)
- Text having issue when overlapping in Multilayer Viewer
- Problem with Zoom mode
- How to reduce image quality in memory
- Loading part of large JPG
- resize in bitmap vs resize in multi layer viewer
- MultilayerViewer.MouseDown not fires in some cases
- Thumbnaillistview on a dialog form
- Error with Select object
- set gradient color as default color in multilayer viewer
- Add Drag and Drop Capablilities to the objects derived from VObject
- a question about zoom
- Last row and column of pixels is clipped when zoomed in BitmapViewer
- Resize Objects in multlayer
- LineVObject Issue
- how to upload cliparts and change color of image
- How to detect if it's running a "resizing"
- saving to a vector file format
- Create Multilayer bitmap as image size
- Save a region as bitmap
- Internet explorer 9
- ImageVObject and it's Dispose method
- js error on the page
- How to resize selected VObjects
- how to calculate x coordinate for business card editor
- LayerCollection and its Serialize(Stream stream) and Deserialize(Stream stream)
- Edit Text Area without Resize Text
- Masking image with LockBits
- Image Overlay
- .net 4.0 builds
- VObjectPath with "Transparent hole" at the middle?
- Set Background Image
- the media format is not supported ?
- Clipboard Viewer freezing Outlook
- Square Crop in GraphicsMill LosslessJpegTransform
- how to implement color balance from PhotoShop to graphic Mills
- JS errors only in IE9?
- Graphics Mill for .NET on Unix with Mono 2.10.2
- Photo Editor does not work on IE 9?
- Rotate without Resize?
- IIS 7
- Text Within Any Shape
- file size of two image file
- Licensing
- public Bitmap RenderWorkspace();
- Can I do these with Aurigma Image Library?
- ThumbnailListItem
- Read layer directory inside PSD file
- Licensing error in 4.0
- Expanding or Bleeding Pixels
- Masked Transform with 32bppArgb
- Future and updates
- multilayerviewer and connection point tool
- applying effects in layer to the bitmap
- ImageVObject and Opacity property
- Add polyline new point
- Custom PolylineVObject and custom PolylineVObject designer
- resize and rotate the image within a circle
- Red eye removal manually
- Create text on the fly
- only resize the width of Objects drived from VObject.
- Real Monitor name
- Unable to commit memory
- Update EXIF without accessing the JPEG
- How to Create Ruler
- avi processor error
- IE9 / VObjectsRubberband / gifteditor
- Absolute Position
- PSD-functionality
- Overlaying images and ajax controls
- Drawing Rectanle Using Aurigma
- Ajax Controls and Vector Objects and AJAX Control Toolkit
- How to check if text is over the size for the TextVObject
- about Business Card Editor
- Canvas Viewer and vector objects
- AviWriter.Close error
- MVC3 & GraphicsMill
- Rotate text on insert in Gift Editor
- Fast ways of image manipulation. (25 - 30 Fps)
- Draw a rectangle with round corner.
- VObject border style
- Client Side Cloning
- deleteCurrentVObject
- Set CanvasViewer height/width runtime
- Wait for invokeRemoteMethod to complete
- canvas from psd on top
- Font support
- Select newly added VObject
- Touch Screen Support
- ImageVObject not refreshing
- Recreate canvas
- Clear bitmap viewer
- Create JPGs from a PDF
- Removing vObjects
- Thumbnail Creation
- Resizing and moving VObject in code (WinApp)
- TextVObject.FontSize Property
- Deleting object from Canvas
- How can I determine if a PSD file has composit preview image?
- Rotating TextVObject and ImageVObject
- Converting adobeRGB to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color profile
- Getting text coordinates
- ImageVObject RotatedRectangleF
- Specifying Public and Private Image Caches
- ImageVObject OnClick event
- Exporting CanvasViewer image
- Changing resolution of an image
- Converting adobeRGB to sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color profile Compare
- Thumbnail for PDF and mp4 video
- Detect color of 4 corner of photo
- Size changes after rotate
- PsdReader locks the file
- Save BMP in the correct way
- Multiple Tiffs
- Graphics Mill 5.5 for .NET and Internet Explorer 10
- animated gif
- Converting CMYK/RGB with color management
- LosslessJpegTransform will discard ICC Profile?
- MultiLayerViewer and Zoom
- MultiLayerViewer..::.RenderWorkspace
- CompositeVObject and CurrentDesinger of MultiLayerViewer
- Vectors
- ThumbnailListItem and image loading
- Need privacy capabilities on client machine
- Uploading Progress Indicator
- Problems opening photoshop cc file using Graphics Mill 6
- ARW and Cr2
- Image Resolution Fails on Server
- Correcting lens distortion
- Multi-line text
- Unhandled error in AdvancedDrawing.FontRegistry
- CreateFormatReader fails on win8 64bit (ver. 5.5.6)
- image size
- write IPTC data into an image without losing XMP,EXIF data
- PdfWriter page size matching figure's bounding box
- Issues with upgrading from version 5 to 7
- Write to SVG
- Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json...
- AurgumentException: "Parameter is not valid" in ToGdiPlusBitmap()
- Combining multiple images with different profiles in to single image
- Rendering image from PSD metadata
- MVC Support
- Convert to grayscale and transparency
- Setting font metrics
- Error Messages, VS2013 and Graphics Mill x64
- Problem with 7.2.26 update
- How can I use ZoomRectangleNavigator just once?
- Could not load file or assembly 'Aurigma.GraphicsMill' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was ma
- Session time out issue with second time image resize
- Draw Text on Transparent Image
- Chinese character with "Tahoma" font
- Warp Text
- Text on path is upside down
- Invalid JPEG marker
- Issues with JPEG Compressed TIFF Sizes
- How do I consider the Shadow effect on the BlackBox?
- Can't Change Image DPIs
- Creating 3D Previews
- Clipping path doesn't adapt using bitmap
- Resizing Gif image problem
- Unable to get information about stream.
- Can't read TGA image with ImageReader
- Unable to print Image
- Converted image from TGA is white.
- ToGdiPlusBitmap - colour profile preservation
- Access to the path 'FontCache' is denied.
- CMYK confusion (it just doesn't look right...)
- Smart Object not being placed correctly
- Is it possible to generate PDF using spot colors?
- GetGraphics vs GetAdvancedGraphics vs GetGdiPlusGraphics
- Problems when saving Exif and IPTC
- PSD Image : Frame Is Empty
- Multiple errors when deploying to production webserver
- ImageDecoder crashes on loading JPEG - image
- Color Applying in PSD file
- PlainText position is wrong...
- Gradients and CMYK
- Importing path's from file
- Shrinking text and vertical alignment
- Aurigma Bitmap and CMYK issues
- 3d creation using perspective warp
- Drawing a stretched image
- Thread Safety
- DrawImage performance
- Barcodes
- TGA images with defect after conversion
- Image Printing in Manual Mode
- GraphicsMill.dll error initiallizing on WinXP
- GraphicsMill for ASP.NET vs GDI - GM still uses System.Drawing?
- Draw text to path styling
- How to set layer property
- What is the best way to know the font size that will result in a specific BlackBox?
- Auto sizing text to bounds issue
- How to draw by mouse on client side in web form?
- Error on reading Eps image
- File Format Unknown
- Extra content at the end of the document
- Can't resize an animated GIF when using streams instead of directory paths
- Convert TIFF to JPEG and retain clipping path
- EPS file error - 'reader.Height' threw an exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException'
- Roof Art Text failing on a specific scenario
- BoundedTextVObject) error
- GraphicsMill in Azure Web Role
- Combine 2 clipping paths with the same name
- Winforms and printing samples
- How to open a PDF, add text & an image, and save it as a new file
- EPS Text
- Visible difference in CMYK output between versions 8 & 9
- Pipeline rendering issues over 600dpi
- Optimizing Animated Gifs
- RGB 2 Grayscale with ColorManagement
- Difference between two images
- How do I access a pixels color without loading a bitmap?
- Error while updating psdFrame
- Not able to convert PSD to PNG file
- Convert Tiff to jpeg error : The profile doesn't match to color space required
- enlarging CMYK Image Canvas
- CombineMode with Format8bppIndexed
- How do I change the Dpi of an image without loading a bitmap?
- How to generate a background during a pipeline?
- How do I set the background color during a pipeline?
- PSD file operation with Graphics Mill
- Crop image from Path
- How do I transfer the alpha channel from one image to another using a pipeline??
- Levels on CMYK image
- Aurigma Referencing Problem
- Problem loading Custom Font
- BoundedText TextAlignment.Bottom not working
- Using GraphicsMill in a Webservice
- SVG rendering issue
- NullReferenceException from ImageGenerate constructor
- Font.MeasureString hangs machine at 100% CPU
- Could not load file or assembly 'Aurigma.GraphicsMill.dll' or one of its dependencies.
- Optimising pipeline drawer
- Access ImageParams during pipeline
- Convert an image to black and white with some thresholding
- PsdProcessor: StringCallback, TextCallback, and FrameCallback
- Prevent a JpegMarkerException
- Draw text on a curve without distortion
- GraphicsMill and TypeScript
- Explicitedly adding exifdata adds a frame
- Where is the difference between AdobeCmm, LittleCms and no colormanagement?
- Constructing a Graphics Mill Bitmap
- Inserting a JPG from a memory stream into a PDF
- Iterating over a large list & memory leak
- Displaying a PSD Image
- Grabbing Frame From Video File
- Issue: Graph is (still) not filled correctly
- Transfer a clipping path from one (or multiple) image to another one
- Arabic font access violation
- Adding images as Layers to tiff
- Colour issue when converting from CMYK to RGB
- ImageReader
- Add new page to existing pdf file
- Brightness and Contrast
- Applying Tint To GreenRemoval Image
- IFontSource Clarification
- FontResolver.FontRegistry.FallbackFonts
- FileSystemSource
- PsdProcessor Features
- DrawText throws error when there is no text
- TextCallback throws error with empty string
- StringCallback and TextCallback renders in reverse order
- Looping Animated Gifs
- Font families vs postscript
- 48bpp Image Pipeline
- Process single channels of image
- PdfWriter GetGraphics throws exception
- Color issues when rendering Photoshop File
- Deck this season of love along with the dear ones on this Valentine’s Day and make them endorsed
- Metadata
- How add border to a RGB image
- How deskew image..??
- Change dpi
- Show/Load image on PictureBox
- DrawText with whitespace
- Multi-tiff output image.
- How to read pixel values of 48bpp Tiff file
- Get picture from pdf
- XMP Tiff image.
- IPTC Metadata
- InvalidStyleValueException
- CMYK Pdf with Transparency Converts to Pure White Png
- JPEG modified with GM validation error
- Psd Image Processing
- How to convert existing PDF (RGB) to CMYK PDF?
- Replacing Layers of PSD Template
- Get color profile
- PsDProcessor.Render change the position
- Art text underline
- Art text bend documentation incorrect
- Changing resolution of PSD file
- feeding hyper-specific data into an algorithm
- ome of feeding hyper-specific data into an algorithm. And
- dding cake on a table,” Norman saw a “man kille
- per-specific data into an algorithm. And in doi
- yper-specific data into an algorithm. And in doing so, they highli
- apons, we will continue our work with governments
- ust impacts on people, particularly those related to sens
- inciples of international law and human right
- ernational law and human rights,” and “will seek to avo
- vilians safe.” He added that Google would not pursue A.I.
- civilians safe.” He added that Google would not pursue
- lians safe.” He added that Google would not pursu
- ciples of international law and human rights
- itical work of these organizations and keep service memb
- SVG parsing (to Paths)
- Donald Trump is playing a final round of golf at his T
- The US president will leave the UK later ahead of a summit with
- A crowd of about 150 people shouted
- He was heckled by protesters as he played golf on Saturday afternoon
- leave the UK later ahead of a summit with
- In Edinburgh thousands of people marched through the
- They waved placards as they gathered in the capital's Meadows,
- two days of meetings, calls and hopefully
- There have been calls for Monday's meeting between the
- XMP Metadata
- Graphics Mill License Key error.
- Personalizing Image
- PsdReader on Windows XP
- Clipping Path Active check
- AccessViolationException when attempting to load a PDF that contains a blank page
- Aurigma winds down support for Web and Windows imaging libraries.
- convert svg with embedding fonts
- LosslessJpeg increases filesize
- AccessViolationException
- Removed Lut Methods
- psd displacement map effect
- Cannot access Bitmap Scan0 Pixel data past 2GB in 64 process
- Apple HEIC fil format
- Missing font error while rendering psd in c#
- PSD Smart Object - UpdateText
- Updated MainCS_NET20 sample
- Filter Options CSS
- Update text with keeping layer style and formats
- how to conver rgb png to cmyk png
- FontRegistry AccessViolationException
- Failed to save with Exif and IPTC data
- Graphics.DrawImage does not resize image to the destination rectangle
- How to Get Frames Rotation Angle Property in PSD?
- AccessViolationException error
- Minimum and Maximum Morphological Filters not working for BMP images
- Can license be used in the server cluster?
- Why is my system 64-bit, but when I develop it, I can only use 32-bit DLL?
- Svg to pdf - pdf is not vector
- Replace multiply
- Why did the license I bought show one year?
- .NET Core
- aurigma uploader + graphics mill
- Why can't I open the LicenseManager.exe
- My Account can't log in,and my email didn't receive the password change email eit
- Failed to load file or assemblyAurigma.GraphicsMill.DLL
- ImageVObject not working
- Pipeline
- How graphic design shapes popular culture
- How to use Graphics.DrawImage with RectangleF
- Arc Warp like Photoshop or ImageMagick
- Do we still need to apply color profile when printing
- Read SVG with small viewbox, resize, and save to raster
- Trial license is null
- Library signature mismatch
- Resize image to a target file size
- registering license problems
- delay at GetAdvancedGraphics() on some PCs.
- Change smartobject image inside smartobject
- Error The specified pixel format is not supported. using GifWriter
- PixelFormat error PDF to JPG
- RemoveGreenscreen do not stay on green color
- Unable to open color profile 'C'
- NHL Face Coverings Online Shop - Seattle Kraken Team NHL Face Coverings
- Graphics Mill-Create 3D Preview-The result is incorrect, the effect is lost
- Test
- Rotate a GraphicsContainer without rasterizing
- Error when printing
- Render IDML file
- After PsdProcessor Render,How to Save PSD file?
- has the psd file size limit??
- Change Font for PsdTextFrame
- Atrapando al tramposo sin un detective Lista de números de teléfono!
- Building an Effective Relationship with Your Email Lists
- LUT Transformations
- Tiff Spot color not work
- WPF Image
- UnsupportedPixelFormatException
- Pitcher Alex Youthful mentioned off waivers, Aaron Civale driven in the direction of 60-working day
- Cub Trackshouse online games folks participate in
- Atlanta Braves Tiny League Recap: Drew Waters documents 2 hits
- Collection Preview # 48 : Diamondbacks @ Astros
- Talking with Astros possibility, Jeremy Pena
- Convert RGB/CYMK image to YCbCr color space
- Render Strikeout Text like PhotoShop
- Repeat image using a pipeline
- Purchased Server License
- Warp effect
- Problem converting SVG to PNG
- Adding a clipping path to tif
- Motion Graphics Studio
- GreenRemoval Question
- Create CMYK Bitmap to include in a PDF
- GM 11 Desktop License for Desktops apps.
- GM10 and GM11 distributions over same desktop user
- Looking for a solution to crop/resize jpg (sales question)
- SEHException: External component has thrown an exception applying transforms
- Drawing overlay on bitmap in pipeline
- How to avoid FontMissingException
- PSD replace a photo layer resizing issues
- ImageReader.Create Stream vs. fileName PNG
- pdf & color change
- text - line spacing
- Migrating 5.5.6 to new server
- PDF XMP Metadata
- cmyk PDF to cmyk TIFF
- Using License Key on an Elastic Beanstalk server
- Sepia Filter using Aurigma library
- Linux support
Samples – Graphics Mill
- SMPL: Drag-n-drop from ThumbnailList to BitmapViewer
- HOWTO: Create Palette Optimized for Several Bitmaps
- HOWTO: Automatically Fit Text Size in Rectangle
- HOWTO: Change Bitmap Palette
- HOWTO: Write COM Wrapper for Graphics Mill
- HOWTO: Load Embedded sRGB Color Profile from Image
- HOWTO: Create Overview-Window for AJAX BitmapViewer
- INFO: Samples are Live Here
- SMPL: Printing Demo
- SMPL: Advanced PSD Viewer Demo
- SMPL: AVI Viewer Demo
- SMPL: Red Eye Removal Demo
- SMPL: Animated GIF Demo
- SMPL: Custom WBMP Codec Demo
- SMPL: Lossless JPEG Demo
- SMPL: Mediadata Demo
- SMPL: Real Estate Digest Demo
- HOWTO: Fill Polyline VObject with Image
- HOWTO: Print Images
- HOWTO: Apply Photoshop-like Threshold
- HOWTO: Add Multiple Keywords in IPTC
- HOWTO: Handle Adobe RGB Files whithout Embedded Profile
- HOWTO: Make Monochrome Images
- Change cursor on Resize / Rotate
- Remote Method
- HOWTO: PSD Change Text inside Smart Object
FAQ – Graphics Mill