Canvas Methods

The Canvas type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Protected method AddedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ApplyStyleSheetSkin (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method BeginRenderTracing (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method BuildProfileTree (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Clear

Clears all the LayerCollection instances associated with this canvas.

Protected method ClearCachedClientID (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearChildViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method ClearEffectiveClientIDMode (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method CreateControlCollection (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Public method DataBind Overloaded.
Protected method DataBindChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Deserialize
Public method Dispose (Overrides Control.Dispose()().)
Protected method EndRenderTracing (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureChildControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method EnsureID (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindControl Overloaded.
Public method Focus (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method GetAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Public method GetCallbackResult
Public method GetColorManagement
Public method GetColors
Protected method GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetRouteUrl Overloaded.
Protected method GetScriptDescriptors

Returns a list of components, behaviors, and client controls that are required for the client-side functionality of the Canvas.

Protected method GetScriptReferences

Returns script files for the Canvas.

Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUniqueIDRelativeTo (Inherited from Control.)
Public method HasControls (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method HasEvents (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method IsLiteralContent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method LoadControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method LoadPostData

Processes post back data for the Canvas. No need to use this method explicitly.

Protected method LoadViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MapPathSecure (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method OnBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnCurrentLayerChanged
Public method OnCurrentVObjectChanged
Protected method OnDataBinding (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnLoad (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method OnUnload (Inherited from Control.)
Public method OnZoomChanged

Raises the ZoomChanged event.

Protected method OpenFile (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RaiseBubbleEvent (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RaiseCallbackEvent
Public method RaisePostDataChangedEvent

Signals the server control object to notify the ASP.NET application that the state of the control has changed. No need to use this method explicitly.

Protected method RemovedControl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method RenderAttributes (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Protected method RenderBeginTag (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Protected method RenderChildren (Inherited from Control.)
Public method RenderControl Overloaded.
Public method RenderWorkspace Overloaded.
Public method RenderWorkspaceToPdf
Protected method ResolveAdapter (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveClientUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Public method ResolveUrl (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveControlState (Inherited from Control.)
Protected method SaveViewState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method Serialize
Protected method SetAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Protected method SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetRenderMethodDelegate (Inherited from Control.)
Public method SetTraceData Overloaded.
Public method SetZoom
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TrackViewState (Inherited from Control.)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Name Description
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IParserAccessor..AddParsedSubObject (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IAttributeAccessor..GetAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method ICallBackDataHandler..GetCallBackExecutionCode
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IControlDesignerAccessor..GetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IScriptControl..GetScriptDescriptors
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IScriptControl..GetScriptReferences
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IAttributeAccessor..SetAttribute (Inherited from HtmlControl.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IControlDesignerAccessor..SetDesignModeState (Inherited from Control.)
Explicit interface implemetation Private method IControlDesignerAccessor..SetOwnerControl (Inherited from Control.)

See Also
