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Font.MeasureText Method

Gets given text extent (both width and height) when it will be drawn with the GdiGraphics.DrawText method.

Overload List

Name Description
Public method MeasureText(String, Size, Boolean, Int32)

Gets extent of the given text (both width and height) when it will be drawn with the GdiGraphics.DrawText method.

Public method MeasureText(String, SizeF, Boolean, Int32)

Gets extent of the given text (both width and height) when it will be drawn with the GdiGraphics.DrawText method.

Public method MeasureText(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Int32)

Gets extent of the given text (both width and height) when it will be drawn with the GdiGraphics.DrawText method.

Public method MeasureText(String, Single, Single, Boolean, Int32)

Gets extent of the given text (both width and height) when it will be drawn with the GdiGraphics.DrawText method.

See Also
