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Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Codecs Namespace

The Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Codecs namespace contains classes intended to work with files that have one or more images (frames) inside, such as multipage TIFF files, animated GIF, etc. These classes support a lot of file formats and allow to work with metadata.


Class Description
Public class AdobeResourceBlock

This class represents the Adobe® image resource block.

Public class AdobeResourceDictionary

This class represents a dictionary of Adobe® image resource blocks, each block is represented by the AdobeResourceBlock class.

Public class AdvancedPsdFrame

Represents PSD raster layer.

Public class AdvancedPsdReader

This class is used to read PSD files layer by layer.

Public class AdvancedPsdTextFrame

Represents PSD text layer.

Public class AsfIndexer

This class is intended for creating ASF file index.

Public class AviAlphaTransition

This class represents the fade transition effect based on reducing of alpha channel of the frame.

Public class AviAudioManager

This class encapsulates audio-related features of the AVI Processor.

Public class AviCompressor

This class incapsulates meta-information about WfV codecs.

Public class AviCustomTransition

This class represents the custom transition effect.

Public class AviDrawTransitionEventArgs

Provides arguments for the DrawTransition event of the AviCustomTransition class.

Public class AviDrawWatermarkEventArgs

Provides arguments for the DrawingWatermark and DrawnWatermark events of the AviWatermark class.

Public class AviEncoderOptions

This class represents AVI encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class AviFrame

This class represents a frame of the AVI video format.

Public class AviReader

This class is used to read frames from AVI files.

Public class AviStripesTransition

This class represents the transition effect based on sliding stripes.

Public class AviTransition

This is a base class for transition effects for video files.

Public class AviWatermark

This class enables you to put a watermark on each frame when creating new AVI file.

Public class AviWriter

This class is intended to create new AVI files.

Public class BmpEncoderOptions

This class holds possible BMP format encoder options.

Public class BmpFrame

This class represents a frame of the BMP format.

Public class BmpReader

This class enables you to read BMP images.

Public class BmpWriter

This class enables you to write BMP images.

Public class CustomEncoderOptions

Abstract class for custom encoder options object.

Public class CustomFormatReader

Abstract class for a custom format reader object.

Public class CustomFormatWriter

Abstract class for a custom format writer object.

Public class CustomFrame

Abstract class for a custom frame object.

Public class DSEncoderOptions

This class represents the DirectShow encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class DSFrame

This class represents a frame returned by DSReader.

Public class DSPreLoadedFrame

This class represents a frame returned by DSReader and always containing a bitmap.

Public class DSReader

This class is used to read frames from video files using DirectShow framework.

Public class EncoderOptions

This is a base class for all encoder options.

Public class ExifDictionary

This class represents a dictionary of EXIF fields.

Public class FormatManager

This class enables you to manage installed format readers and writers.

Public class FormatReader

This is a base class for all format readers.

Public class FormatWriter

This is a base class for all format writers.

Public class Frame

This is a base class for the frames.

Public class GifEncoderOptions

This class holds GIF encoder options.

Public class GifFrame

This class represents a frame of the GIF format.

Public class GifReader

This class enables you to read GIF images.

Public class GifWriter

This class enables you to write GIF images (both static and animated).

Public class ID3SynchronisedLyrics

This class represents synchronized lyrics that accompanies a media file.

Public class IptcDictionary

This class represents a dictionary of IPTC fields.

Public class Jpeg2kEncoderOptions

This class holds possible JPEG2000 format encoder options.

Public class Jpeg2kFrame

This class represents a frame of the JPEG2000 format.

Public class Jpeg2kReader

This class enables you to read JPEG2000 images.

Public class Jpeg2kWriter

This class enables you to write JPEG2000 images.

Public class JpegEncoderOptions

This class holds possible JPEG format encoder options.

Public class JpegFrame

This class represents a frame of the JPEG format.

Public class JpegMarkerException

This exception is thrown by JpegWriter if you try to write incorrect JPEG metadata.

Public class JpegReader

This class enables you to read JPEG images.

Public class JpegWriter

This class enables you to write JPEG images.

Public class LosslessJpegTransform

This class enables you to apply lossless operations on the JPEG files.

Public class MediaCorruptedException

This exception is thrown when you try to open file (or other media) which contains corrupted data.

Public class MediaFormatManager

This is a class factory that creates a reader for the specified video file using Media Processor add-on.

Public class MediaProcessorMetadataDictionary

This class represents a metadata collection.

Public class MediaProviderException

This is a base class for all exception which can be thrown when you are working with format readers or writers.

Public class MediaUnsupportedException

This exception is thrown when you try to read file (or other media) and its format is not recognized as supported by Graphics Mill for .NET.

Public class MetadataDictionary

This class represents a dicitonary of image metadata, such as EXIF or IPTC.

Public class MetadataEnumerator

Provides a forward-only cursor to enumerate through metadata in a file.

Public class MultiFrameException

This exception is thrown when you try to add more frames than current format allows.

Public class PcxEncoderOptions

This class represents PCX encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class PcxFrame

This class represents a frame of the PCX format.

Public class PcxReader

This class enables you to read PCX images.

Public class PdfEncoderOptions

This class holds PDF encoder options.

Public class PdfFrame

This class represents a frame of the PDF format.

Public class PdfWriter

This class enables you to read PDF images.

Public class PngEncoderOptions

This class holds PNG encoder options.

Public class PngFrame

This class represents a frame of the PNG format.

Public class PngReader

This class enables you to read PNG images.

Public class PngWriter

This class enables you to write PNG images.

Public class PreLoadedFrame

This class represents a frame returned by FormatReader and always containing a bitmap.

Public class PsdEncoderOptions

This class represents PSD encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class PsdFrame

This class represents a frame of the PSD format.

Public class PsdReader

This class enables you to read PSD images.

Public class QTEncoderOptions

This class represents the QuickTime encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class QTFrame

This class represents a frame returned by QTReader.

Public class QTReader

This class is used to read frames from video files using QuickTime framework.

Public class SwfEncoderOptions

This class holds SWF encoder options.

Public class SwfFrame

This class represents a frame of the SWF format.

Public class SwfWriter

This class enables you to write SWF movies.

Public class TiffEncoderOptions

This class holds TIFF encoder options.

Public class TiffExtraChannel

This class represents the TIFF extra channel.

Public class TiffExtraChannelCollection

This class represents a collection of TIFF extra channels.

Public class TiffFrame

This class represents a frame of the TIFF format.

Public class TiffReader

This class enables you to read TIFF images.

Public class TiffWriter

This class enables you to write TIFF images.

Public class WbmpEncoderOptions

This class represents WBMP format encoder options. Currently no WBMP encoder options are available.

Public class WbmpFrame

This class represents a frame of the WBMP format.

Public class WbmpReader

This class enables you to read WBMP images.

Public class WbmpWriter

This class enables you to write WBMP images.

Public class WMEncoderOptions

This class represents the Windows Media encoder options. Currently it is empty.

Public class WMFrame

This class represents a frame returned by WMReader.

Public class WMPreLoadedFrame

This class represents a frame returned by WMReader and always containing a bitmap.

Public class WMReader

This class is used to read frames from video files using Windows Media framework.

Public class XmpArrayNode

A class representing an XMP array.

Public class XmpData

This class represents an XMP tree.

Public class XmpDictionaryNode

This is an abstract class that allows to access a node as a dictionary.

Public class XmpLocalizedTextItemNode

This class represents a localized text item node.

Public class XmpLocalizedTextNode

This class represents a localized text node.

Public class XmpNamespace

This class represents an XMP namespace.

Public class XmpNode

This abstract class represents a single XMP property.

Public class XmpStructNode

This class represents an XMP structured property.

Public class XmpTagNames

This class can be used as an enumeration of standard XMP tags.

Public class XmpValueNode

This class represents a simple XMP property.


Structure Description
Public structure ExifItemInfo

The structure which describes the EXIF items.


Interface Description
Public interface IEncoderOptions

This interface is implemented with all the encoder options objects.

Public interface IFormatInfo

This interface is implemented by all Graphics Mill for .NET format readers and writers to provide information about the formats.

Public interface IFormatReader

This interface is implemented by all Graphics Mill for .NET format readers to provide reading data (both bitmaps and meta information) functionality.

Public interface IFormatWriter

This interface is implemented by all Graphics Mill for .NET format readers to provide writing data (both bitmaps and meta information) functionality.

Public interface IFrame

This interface is implemented by objects which represents media formats frames.

Public interface IFrameEnumerator

Provides a forward-only cursor to enumerate through frames in a frame collection.

Public interface IMediaProcessorMetadataReadSupport

Basic interface for metadata support.

Public interface IMetadataReadSupport

This interface should be supported by each format reader that can obtain metadata (such as EXIF, IPTC, XMP or Adobe® image resource blocks) from the file.

Public interface IMetadataWriteSupport

This interface should be supported by each format writer that can save metadata (such as EXIF, IPTC, XMP or Adobe® image resource blocks) into the file.

Public interface ITimeReader

This interface should be supported by each format reader that can convert frame numbers to time values and vice versa.

Public interface ITimeWriter

This interface should be supported by each format writer that can convert frame numbers to time values and vice versa.

Public interface IXmpDictionary

This interface class should be supported by codecs that can read an write XMP metadata.


Delegate Description
Public delegate AviDrawTransitionEventHandler

This delegate represents the method that will handle events which are raised when the writer object needs to generate a frame for transition effect.

Public delegate AviDrawWatermarkEventHandler

This delegate represents the method that will handle events which are raised when the writer object draw the watermark on frames which are added.


Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AviStripesTransitionMode

Contains possible modes of the AviStripesTransition.

Public enumeration AviTimerStyle

Contains possible values for the timer watermark.

Public enumeration CompressionType

Contains possible compression types for various encoders.

Public enumeration CustomFormatReader.LoadingMode

Contains possible values corresponding to frame loading modes.

Public enumeration DisposalMethod

Contains values for disposal methods used in animated files (GIF, SWF) to specify what to do with a frame after it has been displayed.

Public enumeration ID3LyricsContentType

Contains possible content types of synchronized lyrics.

Public enumeration ID3LyricsTimestampFormat

Contains possible timestamp formats of synchronized lyrics.

Public enumeration Jpeg2kProgressionOrder

Contains possible values for packets ordering in the code stream (progressions). Used in JPEG2000 compression.

Public enumeration JpegAlignToSampleSizeMode

Contains possible values for aligning to JPEG sample size.

Public enumeration PsdFrameType

Contains possible types of PSD layers (i.e. frames of AdvancedPsdReader).

Public enumeration PsdTextJustification

Contains all possible types of justifications of text in the PSD text layer.

Public enumeration TiffChannelType

Contains possible extra channel types.

Public enumeration XmpNodeType

Contains available XMP node types.