BulgeText Properties

The BulgeText type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Bend

Gets or sets the value indicating how much the bulge text is bended.

Public property Brush

Gets or sets the fill of the text.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Center

Gets or sets the center of the art text.

(Inherited from ArtText.)
Public property CharStyle

Gets or sets the style of characters.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Effect

Gets or sets the Effect of the text.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Frames

Gets the collection of text frame.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Kernings

Gets or sets the value of spacing between characters.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property ParagraphStyle

Gets or sets the style of paragraphs.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Pen

Gets or sets the outline of the text.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property String

Gets or sets the text string.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property Transform

Gets or sets a transformation matrix for this Text.

(Inherited from Text.)
Public property WrappingPaths

Gets the collection of paths to wrap the text around.

(Inherited from Text.)

See Also
