This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Graphics Mill docs

IFormatReader Members

The IFormatReader type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method CheckForSupport Overloaded.

Checks if the image can be loaded with this reader.

Public method Clone (Inherited from ICloneable.)
Public method Close

Closes format reader, and detaches it from previously opened file (or other media).

Public method Dispose (Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public method GetEnumerator (Inherited from IEnumerable.)
Public method LoadFrame

Returns a frame with specified index. This frame contains a bitmap and possible other details describing it.

Public method Open Overloaded.

Opens format reader on specified media.


Name Description
Public property CodecPriority

Returns the priority of the codec.

Public property DefaultExtension

Returns default extension for this format.

(Inherited from IFormatInfo.)
Public property FilterString

Returns filter string for this format.

(Inherited from IFormatInfo.)
Public property FormatDescription

Returns user-friendly format description.

(Inherited from IFormatInfo.)
Public property FormatName

Returns format name.

(Inherited from IFormatInfo.)
Public property FrameCount

Returns number of frames in the format reader.

Public property IsFrameSeekable

Check whether the reader supports random access to frames.

Public property MediaFormat

Returns the ID of the media format this reader can read from.

Public property MimeType

Returns mime type of the format.

(Inherited from IFormatInfo.)
Public property Opened

Returns value that specifies if the reader is opened.

See Also
