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TiffEncoderOptions Properties

The TiffEncoderOptions type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property AdobeResources

Gets/sets Adobe® image resource blocks you want to write into the file.

Public property AlphaPremultiplied

Gets/sets the value that determines whether to premultiply image with alpha channel during image encoding or not.

Public property Compression

Gets/sets TIFF compression type.

Public property Exif

Gets/sets EXIF data collection you want to write into the file.

Public property ExtraChannels

Gets/sets the collection containing extra channels associated with the TIFF file. Using this property you can write some channels in addition to primary ones.

Public property Iptc

Gets/sets IPTC data collection you want to write into the file.

Public property Left

Gets/sets left position of the frame.

(Inherited from EncoderOptions.)
Public property MediaFormat

Returns media format for which encoder options are defined.

(Inherited from EncoderOptions.)
Public property Quality

Gets/sets a JPEG quality if compression type is set to Jpeg.

Public property Top

Gets/sets top position of the frame.

(Inherited from EncoderOptions.)
Public property Xmp

Gets/sets the XML code containing the XMP metadata.

See Also
