This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Graphics Mill docs

GifFrame Properties

The GifFrame type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property BitsPerPixel

Gets a number of bits per pixel in the bitmap stored in the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property ColorKeyIndex

Returns an index of transparent palette entry.

Public property ColorProfile

Gets a color profile of the bitmap stored in the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property ColorSpace

Gets a color space of the bitmap stored in the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Delay

Gets/sets a number of hundredths (1/100) of a second to wait after rendering the frame.

Public property DisposalMethod

Gets/sets disposal method, i.e. what to do with the screen when new frame is being displayed.

Public property HasAlpha

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame has alpha channel.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Height

Returns this frame height.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property HorizontalResolution

Gets a horizontal resolution of the bitmap stored in the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Index

Returns frame index in the format reader (if applicable).

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Interlaced

Gets/sets a value that specifies if the frame should be interlaced.

Public property IsCmyk

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame is CMYK.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property IsDisposed (Inherited from LockableObject.)
Public property IsExtended

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame has 16 bits per channel.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property IsGrayScale

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame is grayscale.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property IsIndexed

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame is indexed.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property IsRgb

Gets a value specifying whether the bitmap stored in the frame is RGB.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property LastFrame

Gets/sets a value that specifies if the current frame is the last frame the global palette is generated for.

Public property Left

Returns horizontal position of the left top corner of the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property LocalPaletteEnabled

Specifies if local palette of the frames should be saved (otherwise global palette will be used).

Public property Locked

Indicates if the object has been locked.

(Inherited from LockableObject.)
Public property Name

Returns frame name (if defined).

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property PixelFormat

Returns a pixel format of the bitmap stored in this frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Timeout

Gets/sets value specifying maximum time for which object can be locked.

(Inherited from LockableObject.)
Public property Top

Returns vertical position of the left top corner of the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property VerticalResolution

Gets a vertical resolution of the bitmap stored in the frame.

(Inherited from Frame.)
Public property Width

Returns this frame width.

(Inherited from Frame.)

See Also
