Bitmap Properties

The Bitmap type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public property Channels

Gets an object which provides access to various operations with bitmap channels.

Public property ColorAdjustment

Gets an object providing methods which are responsible for color adjustment and tone correction (brightness/contrast, levels, hue/saturation/lightness adjustment, etc.).

Public property ColorManagement

Gets an object providing methods which are responsible for color management.

Public property ColorProfile

Gets or sets a color profile associated with this bitmap.

Public property DpiX

Gets or sets the horizontal resolution, in pixels per inch, of this bitmap.

Public property DpiY

Gets or sets the vertical resolution, in pixels per inch, of this bitmap.

Public property Handle

Gets a GDI handle to this bitmap (HBITMAP).

Public property HasAlpha

Gets a value indicating whether the current pixel format supports alpha channel (information about opacity of pixels).

Public property Height

Gets the height, in pixels, of this bitmap.

Public property Id

Gets or sets a unique identifier of this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Ink

Gets or sets ink characteristics of a spot color of this bitmap.

Public property IsEmpty

Gets a value indicating whether this bitmap is empty (no bitmap data loaded).

Public property Palette

Gets a palette associated with this bitmap.

Public property PixelFormat

Gets a pixel format of the current bitmap.

Public property Receivers

Gets a collection of pipeline elements that will receive the result of this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Scan0

Gets the pointer to the very first pixel of this bitmap.

Public property Statistics

Gets an object providing methods which retrieve bitmap statistics (like histogram, etc).

Public property Stride

Gets the width (in bytes) of the scan line.

Public property SupportedPixelFormats

Gets a collection of pixel formats that are supported by this PipelineElement.

(Inherited from PipelineElement.)
Public property Transforms

Gets an object providing methods which are responsible for geometric transformations of the bitmap (resize, rotate, crop, etc).

Public property Width

Gets the width, in pixels, of this bitmap.

See Also
