This documentation is for the old version. Go to the latest Graphics Mill docs

IImageList Members

The IImageList type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method AddImage Overloaded.

Adds the specified bitmap to the image list.

Public method Clear

Deletes all items from the image list.

Public method ContainsKey

Determines whether the list contains a specific key.

Public method Dispose (Inherited from IDisposable.)
Public method GetImage

Gets an image associated with the specified key.

Public method IndexOfKey Overloaded.

Returns a zero-based index of the specified key in the list.

Public method RemoveByKey

Removes an image with the specified key from the list.

Public method SetDefaultImage Overloaded.

Inserts a default image or icon into the image list.

Public method SetImage

Sets the specified bitmap for the specified key.


Name Description
Public property Handle

Gets a Windows API handle to the image list (HIMAGELIST).


Name Description
Public event ImageRemoved

Raised when an image is removed from the list.

See Also
