AdobeResourceDictionary Methods

The AdobeResourceDictionary type exposes the following members.


Name Description
Public method Add Overloaded.

Adds one or several elements with the provided key and data to this dictionary.

Public method Clear

Removes all elements from this dictionary.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method Clone

Returns a full copy of this AdobeResourceDictionary instance.

Public method Contains

Determines whether this dictionary contains an element with the specified key.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method CopyTo

Copies the entire dictionary to a given array, starting at the specified index.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method Dispose

Releases all resources used by this MetadataDictionary.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetDictionaryEnumerator

Returns an IDictionaryEnumerator that iterates through this dictionary.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method GetEnumerator

Returns an IEnumerator that iterates through the MetadataDictionary.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetItemArray

Returns an array of elements with the specified key.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method GetItemString

Returns a string representation of the element with the specified key.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method GetKeyDescription

Returns a textual description for the specified key.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Remove

Removes the value with the specified key from this dictionary.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method SetItemArray

Sets multiple elements at the specified key.

(Inherited from MetadataDictionary.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

See Also
