TiffFrame.Compression Property

Gets a compression type of this frame.

Namespace: Aurigma.GraphicsMill.Codecs
Assembly: Aurigma.GraphicsMill (in Aurigma.GraphicsMill.dll)


public CompressionType Compression { get; }

Property Value

A CompressionType of this frame.


TIFF format supports the following compression types:

Compression Type Limitations
None No limitations.
Ccitt3 For 1-bit images only.
Ccitt4 For 1-bit images only.
CcittRle For 1-bit images only.
Jpeg Can be used only with those pixel formats which are supported by JPEG (non-extended and non-indexed grayscale, RGB, and CMYK images). To adjust JPEG quality, use Quality property.
Rle Has no limitations, but works better with indexed images.
Lzw No limitations.
Zip No limitations.

See Also
